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Abbey Advent: Kindness (Introduction)

Romans 2:4 - “Or do you presume on the richness of his kindness, forbearance, and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness leads you to repentance?”

I vividly remember the first time I really heard and noticed this verse. I remember being very taken by the idea of “the kindness of God”, but also more than a little surprised... and maybe even skeptical. 

Why was I so challenged by the word “kindness” as it related to God? 

How could He, why would He use kindness as a pathway to repentance?

Don’t we need sternness and rigor to get us moving in the right direction? Don’t we need rules and discipline? 

For me, kindness seemed too soft, too easy, not strong enough, not an adequate motivator. 

My two dominant views of God were either Mr. God-gers or Drill Sgt. God.  I didn’t really think either of those was right but my working picture of God was a stern father with a big stick - a disciplinarian who was distant relationally but said He loved me and wanted me to be good.

So kindness? - I didn’t really have a place for that. 

But then there was Romans 2:4.  

Kindness - as opposed to harshness, judgment, threat, criticism.

Leads (by example) vs. Drives (by force or violence).  We may choose to follow, or not.

Repentance - turning around, changing direction. An action is required of us, a choice and a move - away from something and towards something else.

I am growing to realize my images of God were inaccurate and immature. Being a father myself is certainly helping me to better understand God as my Father. 

So, what does this kindness look like? 

It looks like (Phil. 2:6-7) Jesus saying, I’ll leave heaven and come to you in a form you can understand and know and embrace. 

It looks like Christmas.

Let’s spend the week looking for kindness in the story of Christmas. Where do we recognize kindness - given and received? I hope that reading this all-to-familiar story through “kindness glasses” will help you to see it everywhere!