Abbey Advent: Kindness Week 3 Day 1


Day 1: Mary 

Text: Read Luke 1:26-56

As you read this, where do you see kindness show up?

Luke 1:28 “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”  

God has chosen her out of all women on the planet for this honor (and burden) and He is promising to be WITH her in it.

The kindness of God to Mary

The angel Gabriel shows kindness to her as she is “greatly troubled” and “wondered” at his words. He kindly reassures her, “Don’t be afraid” and explains what will happen and reminds her repeatedly of Who is in charge of all of this - “favor with God”, “the Lord God will give…”

The simple, life-long motherly kindness of Mary to her baby.  She will care for and nurture and love and raise him - like mothers so naturally do.

Mary receives kindness from Elizabeth. 

When Mary goes to stay with her cousin, Elizabeth welcomes her (for 3 months) and acknowledges and affirms what God has revealed to Mary with a beautiful blessing. 1:39-45 (MSG)

You're so blessed among women,

and the babe in your womb, also blessed!

And why am I so blessed that

the mother of my Lord visits me?

The moment the sound of your

greeting entered my ears,

The babe in my womb

skipped like a lamb for sheer joy.

Blessed woman, who believed what God said,

believed every word would come true!

Kindness abounds.


Morning Pause: For Mary, much of the kindness we have observed has come from the words of those around and close to her.  Can you identify and name some of the kindness of God to you from the people who are close to you?

Afternoon Pause: For Mary, this great kindness of God left her initially “greatly troubled”. Is there something that is troubling you today that may be kindness in disguise?

Evening Pause: As you look back on your day, name the places and ways that you experienced the kindness of God or others today. End the day by slowly reading Mary’s Song (Luke 1:46-55) and rest in gratitude for the great things the Mighty One has done for you.

Britton Sharp