Abbey Advent: Faithfulness Week 2 Day 2

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Day 2: Faithfulness - Mary

Text: Luke 1:27-38

Young Mary’s experience of the birth of Jesus is marked by her faithfulness. She believed: she believed the impossible could be possible through God’s creativity. She believed He could do anything, even create a person within her in a mysterious, unexplainable partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Because Mary believed God, she opened up her life to Him, gave Him her body, scrapped her plans, and yielded all she was to the creative plan of her Good Father. Her faithfulness challenges us to do the same.

How would she tell Joseph? Would he believe her? Would her family believe her? Would society respond with stones to her head? Would they call her a tramp, a whore, unfaithful to God and His law? 

Faithfulness is having the guts to show up when you’re scared to death. Faithfulness is staying true to God’s course for your life. Faithfulness is honoring what God has asked of you, even if you look unfaithful to society. Will you show up to God’s plan for your life, not just somehow, but singing (see Mary’s song in Luke 1:46-56)?


Morning Pause: Mary’s adventure was crafted through her belief and faithful response to what God said to her. Think about what God has said to you through His scriptures and Holy Spirit today. How can you be faithful to what the scriptures say to you today?

Afternoon Pause: This afternoon, how can you open up your life to God, give Him your body, scrap your plans, and yield all you are to the creative plan of our Good Father?

Evening Pause: Mary showed up to the challenge of her life singing. Singing! Pray that you can not just drag in, not just show up, but come into the life God has called you to with a song of joy and freedom in your heart.

Britton Sharp