Abbey Advent: Faithfulness Week 2 Day 3

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Day 3: Faithfulness - Joseph

Text: Matthew 1:18-24 …

Joseph “was faithful to the law,” a man of discipline and holiness. When he realized Mary was pregnant, his faithfulness to the law and his faithfulness to Mary clashed in an epic upheaval: what would he do? What was the right path?

He decided to quietly, carefully, kindly divorce her. He could have arranged circumstances in such a way that she would be stoned; that was not his heart. He was like God, preferring mercy over judgment (James 2:13).

Everything changed when an angel confirmed what Mary had told him. It was true! I imagine Joseph weeping … letting go … surrendering his life … and then being lost in wonder. The cost, the whispers, the condemnation within their society could wait for just a moment: he was going to be the Messiah’s father!

Faithfulness is following through, even when you can only see enough light for the step in front of you. Like Joseph, will you keep walking even though you don’t know exactly what’s going to happen? Will you trust God like that?

Faithfulness is choosing God even when no one else understands what you’re doing. Will you make peace with having opposition, knowing you’re not going to please everyone?


Morning Pause: Consider this when you make decisions today: in [this situation], how can I prefer mercy over judgment?

Afternoon Pause: Get lost in the wonder of what God is doing. Stop critiquing Him, stop opposing Him, shut down all distractions, and j - u - s - t     m - a - r - v - e - l.

Evening Pause: Think about how you can be faithful like Joseph: trusting God in His wild plan, even when you don’t -- can’t! -- fully grasp what He’s up to.

Britton Sharp