Abbey Advent: Longsuffering Week 4 Day 3
Day 3: Longsuffering and Sonship - Jesus’ Geneology
Text: Matthew 1: 1-17
We often skip over the genealogies and “who begot who’s” in the Bible, but Jesus’ family tree is interesting and important. With intrigue and scandals, outcasts and immigrants, redeemers and royals, this bloodline was full of both drama and destiny.
Scholars argue over whether Jesus’ recorded genealogy was maternal or paternal, biological, adoptive, or legal. Both Matthew and Luke trace the assumed family trees of Joseph, with different names, then - plot twist - announce that Jesus isn’t Joseph’s son at all!
Woven into the fabric of Jesus’ bloodline was a crisis in identity. It is quite possible that Joseph and Jesus together navigated the whispers and assumptions of others, from his birth through his childhood and adolescence and young adulthood, until Jesus began his public ministry with the pronouncement of His divine sonship at age 30.
If you’ve ever dealt with daddy issues, family drama, had to overcome generational curses, or felt like you’re not “good enough” to be called, loved, or used by God, may you find comfort and hope in Jesus’ family tree. There’s purpose to be found even in the problems. If the Savior of the World could be born into this dysfunctional bloodline, you can absolutely be “born again” out of yours.
Morning Pause: Who do you most identify with in the names listed in Jesus’ geneology? What about that person’s trials and/or victories connect most with your own journey?
Afternoon Pause: What a privilege to know God as our Father! Take a moment to reflect on and center yourself in your relationship with Christ. What does it mean to you to be a child of God, and a joint heir with Christ?
Evening Pause: Is there any pain or struggle in your life that can be traced back to your family of origin? Ask God in prayer to reveal and to heal suffering or strongholds in your present that are connected to pain from your past.