Abbey Advent: Longsuffering Week 4 Day 2
Day 2: Longsuffering in Song - Mary’s Miracle
Text: Luke 1: 46-55
Imagine, just for a moment, what it must have been like for Mary to hear the news that she was about to become a mother. Young. Not yet married and still a virgin. At risk of being rejected and completely shunned. The angel of the Lord answered questions she didn’t get a chance to ask and confirmed that nothing is impossible with God. Mary did not even think about what she’d have to suffer through in carrying the Christ. She responded simply, Yes Lord...let it happen just as you said it would.
Mary didn’t need a pregnancy test or ultrasound to confirm her promise; she knew that she’d experienced the power of the Most High. She didn’t get caught up in her feelings or give voice to her fears; instead, she magnified the Lord.
Facing personal sacrifice and physical and emotional suffering, she chose to sing. And her song was not just for herself. Mary sang for all the lowly people who would be exalted, for the hungry who will be filled, for all who would stand in awe of Him. Mary sang because the Savior was coming to turn the world on its axis, bringing mercy, hope, and justice to others like her, people like us who needed it most.
Morning Pause: Sometimes suffering is self-imposed, centered in a refusal to pause and surrender. Are there areas in your life where you’ve struggled with confusion, uncertainty or self-doubt? In what ways can you simply say “yes” to the invitation to allow Christ to grow in you today?
Afternoon Pause: What song has God given you for this season in your life? Center yourself in a moment of worship- play or sing your favorite song to the Lord. Enjoy His presence.
Evening Pause: Where do you see suffering and injustice in your community? In our nation? Pray tonight for the love and hope found in Christ to be made manifest in those places and turn things around.