Abbey Advent: Self Control Week 1 Day 2

Day 2: Self Control - Mary 

Text: Matthew 2:11 

“And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense, and myrrh.”

My wife and I have had three children. I am pretty sure that if a group of scraggly looking men showed up at our condo door and wanted to come in and look at our new baby, we would have said no. 

God asked some amazing things of Mary.  We know many of them, yet we don’t often think about the daily struggles that came with it. 

The struggle not to grow bitter as people whisper as you walk by, even though you are carrying their Messiah. These same people wanting to stone you. 

The snarky comments about your son’s parentage and how they say Jesus is “Mary’s son”. 

The relationship strain that she and Joseph must have had at times as Joseph would struggle with all of these same things as well. 

Yet, through Mary’s self-control, we see the beauty of the gospel. 

That in allowing the shepherds to come see the newborn King, she is displaying the beauty of the gospel in this sacrificial act of hospitality. 

That by choosing to lay aside her desire for vindication, she is raising the Messiah who will redeem this broken world. The same world that is cutting her with their cruelty. 

God’s call to Mary was not just to give birth to the Christ child, it was to also raise Him with her husband and walk through all of the emotional tension that it has stirred up. 


Morning Pause: Pray that today God may reveal areas of potential bitterness for you where you need to practice self-control.

Afternoon Pause: Take some time to pray for those who may be in hard situations and are struggling to choose not to be bitter. 

Evening Pause: How can you encourage someone who is following God to keep going despite the opposition they may be facing? 

Britton Sharp