Abbey Advent: Self Control Week 1 Day 1
Day 1: Self Control - Joseph
Text: Matthew 1: 18-20
I have always thought that Joseph was one of the most fascinating and often overlooked participants in the Christmas story. From what we can learn from history, he was older than Mary and well-liked in the community. He was a devout follower of God and longed to serve Him.
In following God he was engaged to Mary. Everything looked great and just as he had hoped. Then Mary told him she was pregnant, and that the baby was from God and going to be the Messiah.
And just like that, his dream shattered.
We read that Joseph struggled with this decision. He was gracious in that he wouldn’t ask for her to be stoned, but instead, just quietly send her way.
Then God appeared and affirmed Mary’s story.
But the hardship didn’t stop.
We know that Joseph took Mary with him to Bethlehem. What we don’t think about is why. Why would you take a woman about to give birth on that journey? Some scholars say that it was because although Joseph accepted Mary’s version of the story and agreed with it, the community didn’t. That Joseph was actually protecting Mary from being stoned in his absence by the bitter mob who wanted “justice”.
We see Joseph practice self-control once more when he wakes up in the middle of the night after being told to flee to Egypt.
He never signed up for this. This wasn’t what his idea of serving God would look like. Yet once again, he is faithful.
We can see the barbs in later years when Jesus is referred to as “Mary’s son”, not his. Mary’s. A slight dig once again. Joseph showed self-control throughout his life in obeying what God called him to do, in spite of what dreams it may have shattered.
Morning Pause: What is an area that God may be asking you to surrender your plans, however good they may be and embrace the work that He is wanting to do?
Afternoon Pause: What are the biggest barriers that cause you to struggle in accepting God’s plan instead of trying to force your own?
Evening Pause: As you close out this day, how did you do in letting go?