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“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” – Psalm 23:6

In our fast paced world we so often put our head down and push through, yet in doing so we miss much of what the Lord has done. In Psalm 23, the goodness and loving kindness of the Lord follows us. Although we so often want the significance of things revealed at the start, it is only when we stop and cease from our efforts that we see the work of the Lord.


The Reflective Life

In order to help give us a spiritual framework to begin, please read one of the following:

Proverbs 8 , Psalm 23 or Jeremiah 29:13.

Many times we have moments that make us pause. These moments can happen while watching a movie, driving down the road, seeing a sunrise, in the middle of a sermon, etc. They can be both peaceful or troubling. Take some time to reflect on these moments.


(What happened or is happening?)

Examples: pausing to watch the snow fall - cleaning out a closet



(What is the significance of this moment?)

Example: started to reflect on purity and how the snow covers the dirt - caused me to realize this is the 3rd time I have moved in 2 years



  • Reaching up prayerfully (interacting with God concerning the moment)

Example: Lord teach me about how your grace covers my sin - Lord help me to let people know how much I value them

  • Reaching out personally (how does this affect my life or how I interact with others?)

Example: I need to show grace to my - write a letter to my friends from (insert location)