The Daily Check-In

Sift through the details to find what matters.

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” - Matthew 6:34


Daily Check-In with God

What is God bringing to light today?

What has stuck out to you recently from a passage of scripture, a sermon, or a conversation? 

What is something God might want you to pause and ponder?

Do you notice any patterns or repeated themes in the conversation topics, teachings, and Bible passages you’ve felt drawn to recently?

Is there anything you’ve been trying to avoid thinking or praying about?

In this section, take time to reflect on anything God might be bringing to your attention.


Daily Check-In with Self


Spiritually: What emotions surface when I think about God and my relationship with Him? To what extent am I experiencing feelings of inadequacy and shame in my relationship with God? To what extent am I experiencing feelings of acceptance and connectedness? 

Emotionally: What thoughts surface as I reflect on recent events and think through today’s responsibilities? Am I feeling joyful, scared, tense, overwhelmed, thankful, safe, or something else? Consider looking up a list of emotion words online to help you identify specific feelings you’re experiencing.

Physically: Where in my body am I experiencing pain or discomfort? Am I experiencing fatigue, hunger, thirst, or a need for movement and exercise? What is something I can do today to take care of the body God has given me?

What lie am I tempted to believe today?

What truth do I need to remember?

Daily Check-In With My People

Think of “family” as your inner circle – your closest friends, your spouse, or your children. 

How can you support or encourage those you are most closely connected to today? This doesn’t have to be extravagant; it’s just a way to show your “people” that you’re present, you see their needs, and you care.

How are my people?

What are their needs today?

Daily Check-In with My Work

This isn’t another to-do list; this is a must-do list. Don’t fill this space with a flurry of bullet points. Instead, take a moment to ask yourself, “What are the one or two most important tasks I would like to accomplish today?” 

Pray that God will help you as you take steps towards completing these tasks today. Acknowledge any anxiety or insecurity you may feel. Accept that you may need to ask for help, adjust your goals, or let go of perfection.

Ask yourself, “What is the significance of what I am doing today?” Try to regain perspective on why your tasks – regardless of their nature – are meaningful.

What are my important task and responsibilities today?