After Gabriel’s visit, Mary was so excited that she hurried to visit Elizabeth and Zechariah. Imagine, older Elizabeth with a big belly!

When Mary arrived, she called out at the door, announcing her presence. Elizabeth heard Mary — and so did the baby in her womb. At six months into her pregnancy, baby John perceived a connection: this was the mother of the Savior! He leapt within Elizabeth’s womb. 

Filled with the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth greeted young Mary: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.” Elizabeth knew the truth without Mary saying a word: Mary was carrying the Christ within.

What are you carrying within you today? Are you filled with faith and hope, fueled with the joy of Jesus within you? Or are you carrying a heavy weight, anxiety, fear, strife, anger, disappointment? 

With God-given insight, Elizabeth said, “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” With a nod to Mary’s faith, Elizabeth welcomed Mary into her home. 

What has the Lord said to you that you need to believe today?

He has promised to never leave you (Matthew 28:20). 

He has promised His love and joy to you (John 15:9–11). 

He has given you His peace (John 14:27). 

He has promised His followers abundant, true life (Matthew 16:24–25, John 10:10).

He has promised His followers reward (Mark 10:29–31).

The women’s visit extended into three months of happy fellowship. When it was Elizabeth’s time to give birth, Mary left — according to Jewish tradition, no virgins were to be in the house during a birth.


Morning Pause: As you wake up, ask God to wake your heart to insights and surprises He brings your way today. Ask Him for eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to obey. Maintain a spirit of curiosity today as you exercise your belief in the God who loves you.

Afternoon Pause: Who is an Elizabeth figure for you, your mentor? Who is building up your faith? Who is a younger person like Mary, who needs some encouragement and a bit of celebration? Pause to consider.

Evening Pause: What news from God made your heart leap today? Who encouraged your faith? How did you experience God’s blessing and favor today? Take this to bed with you: “Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!” (Luke 1:45).