Day 5 : SILENCE  Luke 1:19-23

Once again Gabriel speaks - this time not with a blessing to give, but a curse. 

The curse of silence.

How often does our doubt of the promises and power of God silence us?

How often do we let our circumstances dictate our faith?

Why do we preach God’s power and faithfulness to others in need, but so often live as an atheist in our own?

Due to Zacharias’ doubt, he became limited. Still used by God, yet limited. 

It is important to note that even though Zacharias doubted and he was disciplined, his doubt did not negate the promise of God. 

Yet so often I live as if it does. 

I tend to overestimate my role and my circumstances in the work of God. 

He emerges from the temple. People are curious as to the delay, he tries to explain, yet he is limited. 

The silence remains. 

He continues about his work for the time he has left. 

He goes back home to Elizabeth.

She becomes pregnant.

His doubt didn’t negate the promise of God. 


Morning Pause: How can you live out today in the promise that God is at work? 

Afternoon Pause: In the midst of today, are you letting circumstances dictate your faith?  Are you applying the very truths that you share with others?

Evening Pause: Take time to thank God that our doubt does not negate the promises of God. Take time to pray to walk in faith tomorrow.