
In God’s call for us to abide, He is asking us to “unpack” our lives in Him. Yet so often in my relationship with God it seems like I am standing by the door with my bags packed either unsure if He really wants me there or scared that He may do something I don’t like.

It takes faith to abide. God throughout Scripture has revealed Himself as the Loving Father, The Good Shepherd, The Healer, The Provider and so much more. My hesitation to abide is most often less about God and more about areas that I have a hard time believing His truth or releasing my own desires, dreams or ideals.

Read the Moment:

Take a moment to reflect on your life. Have you unpacked? Are you standing at the door with your suitcase? What is God calling you to do in order to abide more in Him?

Reflect on the Moment:

What are the hardest parts about abiding that keep you from fully unpacking?

Respond to the moment:

What are the fears you need to acknowledge or the lies you have been believing that keep you “unsettled” in  your life with God?