Abbey Christmas: Love Week 2 Day 4
Love: Day 4 - Elizabeth
Luke 1:39-45
While Mary showed strength and courage, we can’t downplay the role of Elizabeth and her faith in the Christmas story. Not only is she important as the mother of John the Baptist, but she’s also vital because of her interactions with Mary. She serves as an example and an encouragement to her cousin.
During this time of the year, we need to see that God’s love is supportive and communal. Love is not simply a vertical connection between man and God, but also a horizontal one that connects all of God’s children. To see Elizabeth encourage Mary so beautifully should be a reminder to all of us of the power of our words to bless one another.
Let’s remember that we are in this thing together and that we have been called to love genuinely in a way that creates true community. In such an individualistic society, Christians can provide so much hope by focusing their time and energy on blessing others.
Morning Pause: Where are the places you feel the strongest sense of community? Thank God for those spaces as you start your day.
Afternoon Pause: Who needs an encouraging word from you today? Ask God to show you someone in your circle that could benefit from a word of affirmation and text them now, while they are on your mind.
Evening Pause: Did something in you “leap for joy” on behalf of others today? Or did someone feel excitement for you? If so, thank the Father for those shared moments of community. If not, pray that tomorrow you would experience God’s love through an interaction with someone else.