Abbey Christmas: Love Week 2 Day 3
Love: Day 3 - Mary
Luke 1:46-50
Mary is a heroic figure in the Christmas story. She is strong. She is devout. She is resolute. And she is faithful. She deserves more credit than we already give her for being not just willing but gracious in the way she handles what God calls her to do.
And it is because of her posture towards God that she is the perfect picture of what it means to receive the Lord’s love during this holiday season. Mary is not just burdened by the coming of Jesus through her, but she views it as a privilege. Many of us focus on the tough parts of being a child of God so much that we don’t ever actually enjoy it. Mary sings a song of praise to the Lord because she understands the character of God and just how much He loves her.
Perhaps during this season, we should take a step back to reflect on all that God has given us in the past as well as what He’s giving us now.
Morning Pause: Are there things in your life now that seem more like burdens than gifts? What do you need to remember about God that might change the way you view them?
Afternoon Pause: When was the last time you thought about the joy of just resting in God? Mary feared the Lord, so she knew how her Father felt towards her. Despite the task at hand, she was able to abide in the Lord and receive His love.
Evening Pause: As you close your day, think about the ways God blessed you today. What were the big things? What were the small things? Spend some time thanking God for all He did to show you that you are loved.