Abbey Advent: Faithfulness Week 2 Day 1
Day 1: Faithfulness - Elizabeth and Zechariah
Text: Luke 5:6, 7, 13, 20, 24, 63, 64.
Zechariah and Elizabeth keenly felt the disappointment of not having children; it was heart-breaking. In spite of their sadness, they remained faithful to the only One who could change their situation: God. Their faithfulness was expressed in their everyday, routine choices; they were righteous people in God’s eyes even though He had let them suffer socially and personally.
That’s why God’s surprise was so shocking: a child? Now? When we’re old? Such a happy gift, such a cause for joy!
Zechariah did not handle the surprise perfectly, though. There was unbelief in his questioning of the announcing angel, and he was struck dumb until the baby was born and named. But God is patient and loves giving another chance: once Baby John was born, Zechariah let loose with celebration, praising God.
Morning Pause: How has God surprised you lately? In what area is He asking you to be faithful when you feel blindsided like Zechariah?
Afternoon Pause: How can you be faithful to God in the little things, the dailies, even if He is asking you to suffer socially and personally?
Evening Pause: Ponder Zechariah’s second chance. Ask God for a second chance for yourself if you need one, or thank Him for His patience as you’ve messed up time and again. He’s so good!