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Abbey Advent: Self Control Week 1 Day 6

Day 6: Self Control - Wise Men

Text: Matthew 2:1-12

Would you defy a king? One that was notoriously harsh? The wise men were not from Israel; they checked in with the king as was the politically correct thing to do and then headed on their way. They had to know their message struck a chord. The raised eyebrow as they said the phrase, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews” to the current reigning king. Herrod thinking, “Well you are looking at him.”

They may have seen the malice through this veiled request to come worship this “new king”. 

But would you have defied him? In this defiance, they put themselves at risk. They broke custom and disrespected the king’s wishes. We often see the wise men as these pleasant gift-givers, yet we fail to see the faith these men revealed. 

Willing to risk. Willing to restrain themselves from self-preservation so as to protect this new and fragile king. 


Morning: Where might God be calling you to risk? 

Afternoon: How can you encourage someone who has taken a faith-filled risk? How can you come alongside of them in this?

Evening: Take some time to pray for all of those who are risking things for what God has called them to do. Please pray for faith, protection, hope, perspective, and love. Thank God for their faithfulness and if you are willing, thank them for their example.