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Abbey Advent: Self Control Week 1 Day 4

Day 4: Self Control - Mary & Joseph

Text: Matthew 2:19-23

What does self-control look like in the context of marriage? Specifically in the marriage of Mary and Joseph. In my marriage is most often manifest itself in striving to keep my emotions in check whenever a trigger, wound or conflict is hit by my spouse.  Mary and Joseph were amazing people, but they were just that...people. People with wounds. People struggling with what God had called them to do. The tension in their marriage internally must have been palpable at times. Joseph striving to restrain his doubt and possibly battling regret. Mary patiently restraining herself as she recounts once again what God said, and that no, she doesn’t know anything beyond that. 

Self-control in marriage often looks like patience and grace, and because Mary and Joseph were human just like you and me, there was a massive need for it in their marriage. 

One of the best pieces of advice for my marriage came from my friend Dave. He said, “You don’t have what it takes to love your wife, but you do have God and He does.” 

Individually, no human is capable in their own power to do what God asks of us. However, with Him, all things are possible. 

God with us


Their son.

Their Savior.

Their help.

Their hope. 


Morning: What are some of the hardest areas for you to practice self-control in your relationships? Why is that?

Afternoon: Take time to pause and ask God to enter in. Just as Jesus came to earth, invite Him into the areas you struggle with self-control in your relationships. 

Evening: As you close this day, take some time to thank God for being Immanuel, God with us. How was He with you today?