Abbey Advent: Kindness Week 3 Day 4
Day 4 - Angels
Text: Read Luke 1:5-20 (yesterday’s reading) and Matthew 1:18-23
I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about it before but the angels have a pretty great job. It may be a bit of a stretch but it seems reasonable to me to say that it was the kindness of God that created their job and set the whole system up for them. A major part of their job is to be the heralds, the messengers for the greatest event in all of time! - the coming of God to seek and save.
Where do we see kindness from the angels?
Have you noticed that anytime an angel shows up people get pretty freaked out? They are apparently extremely imposing figures - being all supernatural and otherworldly. They are working for The Almighty and are wearing the appropriate uniform.
So, the freakout seems like an appropriate reaction.
The first thing they say is, “Don’t be afraid”. Those are the words I would want to hear first.
Words of assurance and comfort and kindness.
Now I have the space to hear the message they bring from God.
Morning Pause: As you enter the day, hear God say, “Don’t be afraid”? Ask that you might enter this day with the space to hear from God today.
Afternoon Pause: How is your listening going? Are there any fears, any little freakouts that are causing you to retreat? Confess them to God and again hear, “Don’t be afraid”.
Evening Pause: As you reflect on your day, what did you hear from God - no matter how small it might have been? What do you need to do with that? Thank God for it and ask for more tomorrow.