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Abbey Advent: Kindness Week 3 Day 2

Day 2 - Joseph

For me, one of the easiest places to see the gift of kindness in the Christmas story is in the life and actions of Joseph.  

Text: Matthew 1:18-25. 

As you read, try to put yourself in Joseph’s sandals, try to get into his skin, his mind, his emotions. We’ve had a couple of looks at this already but let’s look again. He has just found out that the woman he loves and is engaged to is pregnant! And the explanation is, “Don’t worry Joseph, the baby is God’s.” Try to begin to fathom the depths of his doubt, anger, confusion, utter sadness, relational brokenness, and emptiness. There can only be one logical explanation for this unplanned pregnancy and she has put him in a very hard place.  This will cost her her reputation and potentially her life. It will cost him his reputation. He could legally expose her and her infidelity publicly and try to save some shred of his dignity by leaving her.  

But Joseph is a just and kind man. 

So what does kindness do?  

It thinks not of its own interest but of the interest of others. 

So, he decides to dismiss her quietly to save her reputation. 


I see the kindness of God to Joseph. 

He could leave him alone to figure this crazy, never-before-or-since thing out; to try to make sense of it himself. But instead, God enters his dreams and explains and comforts and instructs. And out of this kindness, Joseph obeys.

As we read on into the story we see Joseph’s kindness to the boy Jesus. Joseph is not his father - but he raises Jesus as his son. He provides, he nurtures, he instructs, he loves him as his own.


Morning Pause: Joseph had the role of (step?)father to Jesus and husband to Mary. He showed kindness in both. Ask God to give you awareness and opportunity to show kindness through you today and then be on the lookout.

Afternoon Pause: How am I, like Joseph, thinking of others' interests over mine today? Are there any course corrections I need to make?

Evening Pause: Where has God shown His kindness today? Through others to you? Through others to others? Through you? Thank God for these kindnesses.